Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hidden Wasting Time

Honestly, it's too hard for me to keep time track because I flow with moment. I also follow my mood so even get hardest to keep study schedule or work deadline. I feel I was much more better in past especially last semester; even though that I had 13 units, I focused on my studies but now I can't concentrate on my studies even when I try several times but I push myself to back on my good habits. When I am analyzing my time management I realized I spent a lot of time for unnecessary things  such as unimportant things and thought about something which drag me down. And also I post pond the important task to later date. I am not scheduling my week or near future to save more time. I just schedule my day! the means I don't plan my week before unfolds. Other hand, I don't nail a time to each task that's why most of the time I feel overwhelmed with unfinished homework this semester. I know my deadline but my dreamy mind loves to read books, literature, more interesting   articles like as philosophy, psychology and sociology instate of boring essay topics. Maybe this is the hidden reason that I post pond my college writing essay.  
The good side of writing time log was learning effectively manage a time and set my goals by planing and do my priority more in less time.  In the beginning, seems like a dream for me but my subconscious alert me about the time is passing and finally I dropped some of my class that I think I can't work on it this semester but I missed due date so unfortunately I got W but I feel more lighter than before. I only focus on my writing class but I felt pity when I heard American History and Philosophy classes was full and the professor couldn't add me this time. I learned a lot from those classes because it's more challenging and have a lot of new and unfamiliar vocabulary that I love to learn use them. I will take both of them next semester and I am sure everybody need to know about these topics. I love learning new things and I am so excited for my next year study plan.


  1. Thank you Sheida, This is an honest post and I believe the artist in you might have a hard time sticking to strict deadlines. I'll be interested to hear if reducing your work load helps you keep on top of your other classes!

    1. Thanks Professor for your effective comment. I conscious about my time now and I hope I can manage my study time and my writing time together and fulfill myself end of this semester.
