Thursday, September 21, 2017

Become Independent and Strong Woman

The most effective courses of life that I had was every opportunity that I can travel and have chances to interact with liberal, influential and strong people  who encourage me to grow up and be conscious  about my progressive mind. Meanwhile some instructors and classes make me grateful about this process and their wisdom words. One of them that I remember now was my six grade teacher when I lived in Tehran under bombing city with Iraqian air-force. Islamic government arrested people who had a sympathy about socialism, previous king or opponent about religious politics. Under threatening and dark huge fear that I felt , smell it and see it everywhere one of my teacher who taught us economic came to the class and stood in front of the board with head up and strong eyes and asked us" this is a really mean of life? this is that you really want to know about yourself, your life, your country, your religion? are you really studying about your religion? do you believe if you died you are going to other world? you are eating banana and fruits in heaven?( that period banana was banned it in Iran and one of the luxury fruits that nobody can afford it expect rich people). Her powerful words with her stunning eyes influenced my feminist work and changed me to person who cannot followed any politics, religion or any idea from any person or power without thinking, without researching and also learned magical word"NO" saying no without doubt, prejudice, judgmental mind. It goes without saying. She changed my life and showed me strong face of woman in during time when nobody has nothing opposite of the regime. Saying truth without thinking about the circumstance which effected her life but she cared more about the process of thinking and challenging mind instead of the book. Economic course with a lot of censorship it doesn't matter for her and later for me but the most important things that she wanted to teach us is the way that we think and look deeper to things. Reading philosophy, psychology, logic and science instead of following the ideology which the government wants to establish in our mind and life.

 I don't know what's happen to her because I have never seen her again but I become Journalist who work for woman rights and I paid a lot to be independent and strong woman who say NO to Islamic government and finally they forced me to leave the country but I don't have any rejection because all the time her green, stunning and strong eyes stay with me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your story .Reading your essay is like opening a novel or watching a fantastic film. It reminds me the essay I used to read in high school . Without your description ,I cannot imagine that what is a country under the civil war would be . I am moved by your decision to become a wise woman. That is mine goal to live more independent and more stronger.
