Monday, November 13, 2017

living like a people or sheep?

 Paulo Coelho, who wrote The Alchemist, is a Brazilian writer and songwriter, successful and bestseller books is about looking for a personal legend. Santiago, who is the main character, left a church and become a shepherd to can travel in the world. His father who give him three antique Spanish coins and blessed Santiago with his dream. Father advice son if you want to travel in the world you have to be a shepherd and he did. "He had wanted to know the world and this was much more important to him than knowing God" (The Alchemist 8).
 Santiago buys sheep and travels with them two years until he has a dream about treasure in pyramids in Egypt for several times. He changes his books any village or cities when he arrives. He reads a book for his sheep and believes they understand. He shares his feelings such as happiness, loneliness or even comments about people or village that they passed to his sheep and see their impression on their face. The shepherd has noticed it is some mysterious energy bound his life to his sheep. "They are so used to me that they know my schedule" (The Alchemist 4). But one day when he merges his sheep toward the sun notice they only concerned about food and water and their days all the same. The sheep trust the shepherd whenever he guides them and in exchange, give him "wool, their company and once in a while their meat"(The Alchemist 7). But they are not able to read, or change their young lives, even rebel against their shepherd or merchant when they decide to kill them; "they would become aware only after most of the flock had been slaughtered, thought the boy. They trust me, and they've forgotten how to rely on their own instincts because I led them to nourishment" (The Alchemist 7). In this point, sheep reminds me the people who don't have any individuality and just follow the power. Power of government, media, ideology or religion without any questions, any request or stand up for their rights. The sheep bleat in unison like the people who just repeat the slogans over and over without thinking for themselves and gradually they melt in propaganda as much as it is difficult that we spread them from propaganda. In The Alchemist, Santiago thinks about his sheep lifestyle and finally realized "They never have to make any decisions, he thought. maybe that's why they always stay close to me." (7)